Letra : Alien

Many moons from now when the world descends into chaos we will look to the stars for guidance. As the rich rise and bask in their gold and silver the poor will submerge into darkness to pay for our collective sin. For the universe knows not of good and evil, it's only mission is to give as much as it takes in an effort to keep its balance. We are all children of the sun, the moon, and the stars and with the destruction of earth will come the rise of Planet Bando. A new world built by the crosses

Planet bando 23 coming soon

I think I’m an alien
Beam me up to the spaceship
Beam me up to space
Beam me up to the spaceship
Area51 made me
Gave my momma the baby
Then I grew up crazy
Staring into space
Like i'm waiting for good graces
From far away places
I know I'm a weirdo
Like a rockstar on the daily
In a basement down in Davie
With the red lights and the ladies
And the sound system on high tech
Tell me are you high yet?

Can you feel the sky yet?
Can you feel the beams coming?
Can you feel the beams coming?
Can you feel the beams?

I got every one of my dreams coming
Everyone in my team coming
I been on E.T
I been- I been on E.T

I think I’m an alien
Beam me up to the spaceship
Beam me up to space
Beam me up to the spaceship
Area51 made me
Gave my momma the baby
Then I grew up crazy
Staring into space
Like i'm waiting for good graces
From far away places
I know I'm a weirdo
Like a rockstar on the daily
In a basement down in Davie
With the red lights and the ladies
And the sound system on high tech
Tell me are you high yet?