The Nostalgia Critic - Supervillain Shuffle

por SpotLyrics ·

I am Ra's al Ghul, and I'm here to say
No inflection in your voice is a-okay
With the league of shadows, I'll make Gotham fall
I have several identities, all of them dull

I am Harvey Dent, and my face is bent
My evil motivation makes little sense
I was a nice guy but now I'm deranged
Determining my future on the back on change
My attitude can turn at the flip of a dime
Boy, I tell you - this deal's getting worse all the time

I am Dr. Crane, totally insane
And I only a few lines in the movie, so next

Now, this is a story all about how
My frown got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, don't go too far
I'm gonna tell you a little story about how I got these scars...

My daddy was a drinker, my wife she liked to gamble
My dog's a plastic surgeon, please stop me if I ramble
My plans are so detailed it's like I see into the future
I'm a ball-busting, bat-bashing, gangster-money moocher


"I quit..."