The Modern Lovers - Wake up sleepyheads

por SpotLyrics ·

Last night, I said "Goodbye!" to Ann
I tried to tell her about dreams, but she couldn't understand
She talked about Freud like he was an important man
After all that trash, I knew she didn't have a chance
I say, "Wake up! Sleepyheads, wake up!"

I say, "Wake up, you!"
I say "Wake up, sleepyheads!
The only time we're awake is when asleep or dead"
I said, "Wake up, you, wake up!
I say, "Wake up, I!"
I couldn't remember any of my dreams last night
I said, "Wake up, me!"
Our dreams late at night are the only things that I know is real
I said, "Wake up, me, wake up!"

When we're awake, we're asleep
When we're asleep, that's when we're awake
Well, I told it all to Ann
She didn't understand
I said, "Wake up, sleepyheads! Wake up, Ann!"