Madball - Tough Guy

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I'm still the same guy who'll punch you in your f*cking
Yeah I'm that bad guy
I'm not ashamed
I know my place
It doesn't matter if I'm cool
Your one track mind
only sees me as one thing
Well that's just fine.

Sometimes you have to degress to progress
Sometimes kidness is taken for weakness

I'm much more dangerous even though
I'm more responsible
I'm not shameless, but I will hold those accountable
You think it's cool to be rude and test the waters
I'll acomodate your curiosity, be nice
why brother?

I hate being stereotyped,
but sometimes you should believe the hype
and leave it alone.

Sometimes you have to degress to progress
Sometimes kidness is taken for weakness
So you just say "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck it!"
I will Deliver My Sentence...
won't rise above it.

This is a public service
I'm announcing to you
I'm denuncing my civility
Be careful it's your move
You want proof?
Well I'll give it to you!