Half Man Half Biscuit - Renfield's Afoot

por SpotLyrics ·

'Notice was given of a bat walk in Royden Park, Frankby on Friday evening. Ranger-led, the event was free although booking was essential. Warm waterproof clothing was recommended, and perhaps a flask. Meet at the café car park at 7pm for a 7.30 start. Strictly no dogs.'

My response to that was this:

Who the f*ck are you
Trying to govern everybody's bat walks?
Who the f*ck are you
Trying to be The Big I Am?

Well, I know this place like the back of my hand
In a way you'll never understand
So don't go trying to organise my bat walks
I'll be going on any-time-I-like walks

Tuesday, 2am - bollocko!