Fire Octagon - Nutsack Intro

por guest ·

Welcome to my debut album
It is very nice of you to listen
This is a Water Hexagon exclusive

Abby is a bowling ball
Abby is a bowling ball
Abby is a bowling ball
Abby is a bowling ball

Abby is so fat (Yes)
Abby is so fat
Fat fat fat fat
Fat fat fat fat
Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat

Oppa Gangnam Style

Abby looks like Jabba the Hutt
Abby looks like she is a fat mutt
Yeah baby! Aye!
Gang, Gang, Gang
Abby is so fat she looks like a big fat lobster
That's on fire
Fire, Octa, Gon, Gon, Gon, Gon
Abby should be gone forever
I'm sorry abby
Woah Woah
This album is nuts
This album is nuts
This album is nuts
Oh my God
Ouu Ouu Ouu

I hope you enjoyed so far
Woah, woah, woah, Yeah

That's what happens when I see Abby