Eminem - It’s Me

por SpotLyrics ·

Its July 6th 2003
I was born in a city named after a tree
I've grown up some
I'm precisely 14
And I don't consider myself rude or mean

And please don't judge
Who I am
I love myself
And don't need nobody else
To tell me that I'm perfect because I know that I'm worth it
Its me and my personality
And I can't change that for you so bye bye too da loo
Its me x 2

I love to babysit
For younger kids
And my cups I prefer they came with lids
I hate plucking weeds outside my house
And don't like bugs or snakes or any type of mouse

And please don't judge
Who I am
I love myself
And don't need nobody else
To tell me that I'm perfect because I know that I'm worth it
Its me and my personality
And I can't change that for you so bye bye too da loo
Its me x 2

I hate tomatoes
In every single way
Except for sometimes ketchup its just not the same
I like to do my hair and leave my dirty clothes everywhere
And I like to play basketball and go shopping at the mall

And please don't judge
Who I am
I love myself
And don't need nobody else
To tell me that I'm perfect because I know that I'm worth it
Its me and my personality
And I can't change that for you so bye bye too da loo
Its me x 2

I play the piano
To I think to different songs
And I play the guitar that's all I got so far
I'm obsessed with shoes
And I get carsick really easily
My favorite colors pink and I love each and every one of you

And please don't judge
Who I am
I love myself
And don't need nobody else
To tell me that I'm perfect because I know that I'm worth it
Its me and my personality
And I can't change that for you so bye bye too da loo
Its me x 2