Arkells - Kiss Cam - Acoustic

par SpotLyrics ·

This campfire won't last forever
The Hip have only wrote so many songs
And we can sort of harmonize together
You hold my hand, as you try to hold on

We can't stay up north for the summer
Head back to the city and find a job
I know my family loves you like their daughter
But I know you feel like I strung you along

At a time you were kissing me
The camera found chemistry
Cheering for us in the cheap seats
Driving home I can see you stare at me differently
We're stuck in the nosebleeds baby

True love nevеr needed luxury
Our love nevеr needed any pretty scenery
We embraced the summer heat
And those walks that took forever through suburban streets

At a time you were kissing me
The camera found chemistry
Cheering for us in cheap seats
Driving home I can see you stare at me differently
We're stuck in the nosebleeds baby