Letra : Love for Love By Love of Love

(Aah, aah)

A spider lily struggling to live
A heart writhing with maggots​
With your voice and your smile
My pulse began beating anew​
On the way home for the night we ate ice cream together​
I shut my true feelings away deep inside my heart​

I fell clumsily into love
I fell clumsily into love​
Like dancing atop thin ice, scattering sparks all the way​
I fell clumsily into love
I fell clumsily into love​
That's right, the very same I had once mocked​

A fleeting love...​
It was a childish love,​
One full of failures​...

That day, I fеll in love with love​
That day, I fell in lovе with love​
With time, I killed that love,​
Killed it, killed it
Overflowing memories​
Blood-soaked sunsets​
All alone in my room,​
Unable to put an end to it all​